Direct from the photographer
There is a time and a place to complement a business's digital marketing strategy by using stock images. Over the past decade the number of sites where you can purchase stock images has exploded. Unfortunately so too has the number of sites that offer images sourced illegally and breach copyright. Legitimate stock image companies only pay a pittance (around 25 cents or less) to the original contributor for the sale of an image. Although it is sometimes necessary to resort to purchasing stock images, an alternative is to purchase directly from the photographer or to hire a photographer to photograph your own exclusive content. This strategy is good for the local economy and supports the creative arts industry. It also means that you will have a library of authentic and more exclusive visual content with the proper licenses for use on your website and social media.
A platform to purchase and deliver stock images directly from Dragon Papillon Photography is currently under development. In the meantime, if you wish to purchase any of the images currently on display in this gallery, simply send me a message.
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Dragon Papillon Photography Studio is based in Kanahooka, 2530 NSW, Australia
We offer boutique photography services for commercial product photography, visual content for websites and social media, professional portraits and event photography.